Our Top 10 Santa Trademarks

As everyone finishes trimming their trees and making holiday plans, here is our own top-10 list of Santa related trademarks we found to be registered in Canada. Those of us who still “believe” would be sad to know that Santa does not own any of them!

10. SANTA CLAUS – for ornamental plants

9. SANTA CLAUS – for soaps

8. SANTA’S BEST – for Christmas ornaments

7. SANTA’S SECRETS – for Christmas ornaments

6. SANTA BEAR – for plush toys

5. ESANTACLAUS – for greeting cards


3. SANTA’S MAGIC – for Christmas wrapping

2. SANTA CLAWS – for pet portrait services

and at Number 1, a mark that we think Santa should try to obtain, is a mark that was originally registered as number 798 on the Newfoundland Register in 1919, before Newfoundland became part of Canada. It is a beautiful design that I regretfully say has not appeared under my tree to date – but I hold out hope for a new pair of long johns this year under the mark:


The St. Nicholas Brand design is registered in relation to hosiery and underclothing. The official description of the mark is as follows:

The central figure of the device is a representation of St. Nicholas, commonly known as Santa Claus. He is depicted wearing his mitre, and holding his Staff of Office. On either side of the figure are representations of money bags placed in such a manner and position as to represent them as the Arms of St. Nicholas, whilst in the background is depicted the Good Ship Argosy bringing the wealth for St. Nicholas to distribute.

And if any of my family members want to know, red would be perfect. Of course.

Happy Holidays to everyone!